
pymodbus.framer.ModbusAsciiFramer module

Modbus ASCII Frame Controller.

[ Start ][Address ][ Function ][ Data ][ LRC ][ End ]

1c 2c 2c Nc 2c 2c

  • data can be 0 - 2x252 chars

  • end is “\r\n” (Carriage return line feed), however the line feed character can be changed via a special command

  • start is “:”

This framer is used for serial transmission. Unlike the RTU protocol, the data in this framer is transferred in plain text ascii.

pymodbus.framer.ModbusRtuFramer module

Modbus RTU Frame controller.

[ Start Wait ] [Address ][ Function Code] [ Data ][ CRC ][ End Wait ]

3.5 chars 1b 1b Nb 2b 3.5 chars

Wait refers to the amount of time required to transmit at least x many characters. In this case it is 3.5 characters. Also, if we receive a wait of 1.5 characters at any point, we must trigger an error message. Also, it appears as though this message is little endian. The logic is simplified as the following:

    read until 3.5 delay
    check for errors

The following table is a listing of the baud wait times for the specified baud rates:

 Baud  1.5c (18 bits)   3.5c (38 bits)
 1200   13333.3 us       31666.7 us
 4800    3333.3 us        7916.7 us
 9600    1666.7 us        3958.3 us
19200     833.3 us        1979.2 us
38400     416.7 us         989.6 us
1 Byte = start + 8 bits + parity + stop = 11 bits
(1/Baud)(bits) = delay seconds

pymodbus.framer.ModbusSocketFramer module

Modbus Socket Frame controller.

Before each modbus TCP message is an MBAP header which is used as a message frame. It allows us to easily separate messages as follows:

[         MBAP Header         ] [ Function Code] [ Data ]         [ tid ][ pid ][ length ][ uid ]
  2b     2b     2b        1b           1b           Nb

while len(message) > 0:
    tid, pid, length`, uid = struct.unpack(">HHHB", message)
    request = message[0:7 + length - 1`]
    message = [7 + length - 1:]

* length = uid + function code + data
* The -1 is to account for the uid byte

pymodbus.framer.ModbusTlsFramer module

Modbus TLS Frame controller.

No prefix MBAP header before decrypted PDU is used as a message frame for Modbus Security Application Protocol. It allows us to easily separate decrypted messages which is PDU as follows:

[ Function Code] [ Data ]

1b Nb