
Datastore is responsible for managing registers for a server.

Datastore classes

class pymodbus.datastore.ModbusSparseDataBlock(values=None, mutable=True)

A sparse modbus datastore.

E.g Usage. sparse = ModbusSparseDataBlock({10: [3, 5, 6, 8], 30: 1, 40: [0]*20})

This would create a datablock with 3 blocks One starts at offset 10 with length 4, one at 30 with length 1, and one at 40 with length 20

sparse = ModbusSparseDataBlock([10]*100) Creates a sparse datablock of length 100 starting at offset 0 and default value of 10

sparse = ModbusSparseDataBlock() –> Create empty datablock sparse.setValues(0, [10]*10) –> Add block 1 at offset 0 with length 10 (default value 10) sparse.setValues(30, [20]*5) –> Add block 2 at offset 30 with length 5 (default value 20)

Unless ‘mutable’ is set to True during initialization, the datablock cannot be altered with setValues (new datablocks cannot be added)

classmethod create(values=None)

Create sparse datastore.

Use setValues to initialize registers.


values – Either a list or a dictionary of values


An initialized datastore


Reset the store to the initially provided defaults.

validate(address, count=1)

Check to see if the request is in range.

  • address – The starting address

  • count – The number of values to test for


True if the request in within range, False otherwise

getValues(address, count=1)

Return the requested values of the datastore.

  • address – The starting address

  • count – The number of values to retrieve


The requested values from a:a+c

setValues(address, values, use_as_default=False)

Set the requested values of the datastore.

  • address – The starting address

  • values – The new values to be set

  • use_as_default – Use the values as default



class pymodbus.datastore.ModbusSlaveContext(*_args, **kwargs)

This creates a modbus data model with each data access stored in a block.


Reset all the datastores to their default values.

validate(fc_as_hex, address, count=1)

Validate the request to make sure it is in range.

  • fc_as_hex – The function we are working with

  • address – The starting address

  • count – The number of values to test


True if the request in within range, False otherwise

getValues(fc_as_hex, address, count=1)

Get count values from datastore.

  • fc_as_hex – The function we are working with

  • address – The starting address

  • count – The number of values to retrieve


The requested values from a:a+c

setValues(fc_as_hex, address, values)

Set the datastore with the supplied values.

  • fc_as_hex – The function we are working with

  • address – The starting address

  • values – The new values to be set

register(function_code, fc_as_hex, datablock=None)

Register a datablock with the slave context.

  • function_code – function code (int)

  • fc_as_hex – string representation of function code (e.g “cf” )

  • datablock – datablock to associate with this function code

class pymodbus.datastore.ModbusServerContext(slaves=None, single=True)

This represents a master collection of slave contexts.

If single is set to true, it will be treated as a single context so every slave_id returns the same context. If single is set to false, it will be interpreted as a collection of slave contexts.


Define slaves.

class pymodbus.datastore.ModbusSimulatorContext(config: dict[str, Any], custom_actions: dict[str, Callable] | None)

Modbus simulator.

  • config – A dict with structure as shown below.

  • actions – A dict with “<name>”: <function> structure.


RuntimeError – if json contains errors (msg explains what)

It builds and maintains a virtual copy of a device, with simulation of device specific functions.

The device is described in a dict, user supplied actions will be added to the builtin actions.

It is used in conjunction with a pymodbus server.


store = ModbusSimulatorContext(<config dict>, <actions dict>)
StartAsyncTcpServer(<host>, context=store)

Now the server will simulate the defined device with features like:

- invalid addresses
- write protected addresses
- optional control of access for string, uint32, bit/bits
- builtin actions for e.g. reset/datetime, value increment by read
- custom actions

Description of the json file or dict to be supplied:

    "setup": {
        "di size": 0,  --> Size of discrete input block (8 bit)
        "co size": 0,  --> Size of coils block (8 bit)
        "ir size": 0,  --> Size of input registers block (16 bit)
        "hr size": 0,  --> Size of holding registers block (16 bit)
        "shared blocks": True,  --> share memory for all blocks (largest size wins)
        "defaults": {
            "value": {  --> Initial values (can be overwritten)
                "bits": 0x01,
                "uint16": 122,
                "uint32": 67000,
                "float32": 127.4,
                "string": " ",
            "action": {  --> default action (can be overwritten)
                "bits": None,
                "uint16": None,
                "uint32": None,
                "float32": None,
                "string": None,
        "type exception": False,  --> return IO exception if read/write on non boundary
    "invalid": [  --> List of invalid addresses, IO exception returned
        51,                --> single register
        [78, 99],         --> start, end registers, repeated as needed
    "write": [   --> allow write, efault is ReadOnly
        [5, 5]  --> start, end bytes, repeated as needed
    "bits": [  --> Define bits (1 register == 2 bytes)
        [30, 31],  --> start, end registers, repeated as needed
        {"addr": [32, 34], "value": 0xF1},  --> with value
        {"addr": [35, 36], "action": "increment"},  --> with action
        {"addr": [37, 38], "action": "increment", "value": 0xF1}  --> with action and value
        {"addr": [37, 38], "action": "increment", "kwargs": {"min": 0, "max": 100}}  --> with action with arguments
    "uint16": [  --> Define uint16 (1 register == 2 bytes)
        --> same as type_bits
    "uint32": [  --> Define 32 bit integers (2 registers == 4 bytes)
        --> same as type_bits
    "float32": [  --> Define 32 bit floats (2 registers == 4 bytes)
        --> same as type_bits
    "string": [  --> Define strings (variable number of registers (each 2 bytes))
        [21, 22],  --> start, end registers, define 1 string
        {"addr": 23, 25], "value": "ups"},  --> with value
        {"addr": 26, 27], "action": "user"},  --> with action
        {"addr": 28, 29], "action": "", "value": "user"}  --> with action and value
    "repeat": [ --> allows to repeat section e.g. for n devices
        {"addr": [100, 200], "to": [50, 275]}   --> Repeat registers 100-200 to 50+ until 275

Get raw register.

classmethod build_registers_from_value(value, is_int)

Build registers from int32 or float32.

classmethod build_value_from_registers(registers, is_int)

Build int32 or float32 value from registers.